Photo: Catalan Use Case agronomic field trials    

Catalan Use Case Launches Agronomic Field Trial to Assess Digestate Fertiliser Potential

In late November 2024, the Catalan Use Case launched an agronomic field trial set to run for one year. This study focuses on a field dedicated to dual annual cropping, where crops are fertilised using digestate - a by-product of the Torre Santa María biogas plant.

The primary goal of this trial is to assess the fertiliser potential of nutrients recovered from digestate. By doing so, the project aims to mitigate the environmental impact of renewable energy production, enhance farm circularity, and create new opportunities for income diversification.

Once extracted from the biogas plant, the digestate undergoes processing into three distinct fractions: two solid fractions and one liquid fraction. These fractions are currently being tested against conventional fertilisers to compare their effectiveness.

In November, the solid digestates were applied to the field before sowing, while the application of liquid digestate and traditional fertilisers is scheduled for February. This timing aligns with the plants' increased nutrient uptake, ensuring optimal growth conditions.

This initiative represents a significant step toward sustainable agriculture by exploring innovative fertilisation strategies that integrate renewable energy by-products into farming systems. The results of this study will provide valuable insights into the role of digestate in improving soil fertility and promoting resource-efficient agricultural practices.